Hi, I'm Cassandra

I help couples create wedding vows they'll cherish a lifetime. Also, I relieve the stress of writing wedding toasts!

Thanks for stopping by. I'm an Arizona (USA) native with a passion for all things weddings. 

While pursuing my BA in English, I discovered that I have a particular knack for helping others express what they're struggling to say. Whether I was tutoring someone on their college essay, creating webpage content for a business, or writing a blog for a lifestyle coach, the feedback I received again and again was, "Oh my gosh, you completely nailed what I was struggling to articulate!

While I was still in college, my friend was deep into wedding planning and ready to pull her hair out from all the stress. A week from the wedding, she was in tears because her vows still weren't ready and time was running thin. She had all these feelings she wanted to express to her fiancé, but all that came out was a jumble (aka, a hot mess!).

I was born with a natural talent for writing and storytelling, and I have a ton of writing education and experience (novels, blogs, emails—you name it, I've written it), so I asked her to send me what she had so I could help. Literally crying from relief, she emailed her draft a few minutes after my offer.

A day later, I sent her a rough draft so she could tell me her thoughts. She was floored! She said it felt like I had completely read her thoughts and communicated them in an elegant, romantic, and beautiful way. We made a few additional changes and then the vows were ready to go just in time. My friend maintained her sanity and had a memorable, joyous wedding that she still gushes about whenever I glance at one of her framed wedding photos for too long. I keep telling her, "I know it was a great wedding. I was in your wedding party!"

After college, I worked as a copywriter and ghostwriter for a few years while writing vows and speeches on the side. Then I decided to make the switch to writing for weddings full-time. I haven't looked back and I absolutely love it! I believe that every couple deserves a beautiful ceremony with words they'll remember a lifetime, and I am honored to help them make it happen.

When I'm away from my computer, I spend time exploring new places with my husband, buying plants I struggle to keep alive, playing with my adorable kitty cats, and eating sushi. Lots and lots of sushi.

Now that you know all about me, I'd love to hear about you and what help you need with your wedding or the wedding of your loved one.

"Fantastic writer. She put all my scattered thoughts together coherently!

~Caitlin, UK 

"Amazing! She totally got the vibe I was going for! I'd absolutely work with her again." 

~Angelo, Philippines 

"I had so many thoughts and ideas swirling around my head, and they seemed to have no direction. Cassandra made words that will be moments and memories.

~Carmen, USA